Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am so happy that Jesus sees me as holy before Him. He has forgotten my sin and laid it at the bottom of the sea. All these life lessons can condemn me, making me feel like a constant failure, but Jesus is the one I am living for. He offers a future with Him. I don't know what He has planned, but daily I am having to learn to trust Him with my everyday experiences. It's hard, but I am learning that I need to be willing to give up my right to happiness. What rights am I holding on to? Can I give them to Jesus? I need Jesus to help me trust Him with every area of my life so that I don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

1 comment:

  1. trust is a beautiful thing, if we really trusted that He is who He says He is, we wouldn't be so afraid to let go of whatever it is we think we need to protect... i am preaching to myself for sure! you are not alone my friend.
