Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey! I hope everyone is doing well! It has been going great here! My first day of riding the buses was difficult, but I've got it all figured out now! I am so excited because someone asked me to speak and sing at their church in a couple of Sundays! Today I was able to speak to a man about the Gospel! He works at my school and I was telling him the story about how God told me where He wants me to be a missionary. He wanted to know how to hear from God, so this opened up doors for me to share the Gospel with Him. I shared the scriptures in Romans, commonly known as the Roman road. I explained that God wants him just the way he is. He was very receptive, and believes that he is one of the reasons I came to Colombia! He promised to start reading the Bible, and I told him to pray and ask the Lord to speak to him through His Word. He said his girlfriend just recently gave him a Bible, so he believes that God is trying to talk to him. He made a comment about me being the only real Christian he knows! This really made my day!!! Well, I am also teaching English to a fellow student from Korea. I am hoping this can be a way I can share my faith. The book I am using is an English book from the Gospel of Mark. I believe God will probably open up other opportunities for me to teach English, and thereby share Jesus with people! I have been volunteering at the orphanage! I am teaching English and playing and sing with the children! I am trying to learn some Spanish songs as well. Also sometime I will be singing with a Christian band here in Bogota! The people I stay with have a band and they want me to sing with the band! Well, I want to thank you all for your prayers and support! It means so much! God bless you all!

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