Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am so happy that Jesus sees me as holy before Him. He has forgotten my sin and laid it at the bottom of the sea. All these life lessons can condemn me, making me feel like a constant failure, but Jesus is the one I am living for. He offers a future with Him. I don't know what He has planned, but daily I am having to learn to trust Him with my everyday experiences. It's hard, but I am learning that I need to be willing to give up my right to happiness. What rights am I holding on to? Can I give them to Jesus? I need Jesus to help me trust Him with every area of my life so that I don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

There are so many thoughts going through my mind. Maybe you're the same way. About 15 minutes ago I paid for my gasoline. Just one more reminder that I don't have it all together in the finance aspect. So, what do I do about my finances? I have no idea. I feel the pressure to fix my situation, but what does God want? What is His purpose? I want to know God's purpose. I want to know His purpose in my life. I know He opens doors no one can open, and He shuts doors no one can shut. So, my prayer is that He will make it clear to me what His will is in every situation. What are you dealing with? Let's be here for each other and encourage each other to turn to God in our differing circumstances. I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a great day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thy will be done

I've been wondering what God has in plan for me. I know he has good plans for me. Right now I'm praying about going to this orphanage in Guatemala. Wednesday, I'm going to hear some missionaries from an orphanage in Guatemala. I've just got a feeling about this. I want so badly to do the will of God! I need God to lead me by His Spirit.
My desire is to be so tuned into God so that He can use me to His glory. God still works in his power if we will let him. God you can have your way in my life. It's hard to surrender everything to God, and it's hard to trust Him. The biggest thing is that you love me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What are your thoughts about Colombia?

What do you think about Colombia? I really would appreciate any input you could give me to help me learn more about Colombia. I want to know everything about the culture, the scenery, the people, the food, poverty, and anything you can think of. Tell me about the traditions, the economy, anyting you can think of. I really look forward to hearing your thoughts. Tell me about mountains. Tell me about The streets. Tell me about transportation. Tell me everything. I am thinking of writing about Colombia to give people a new and better way to see Colombia. I love Colombia! God bless!